Sunday, January 2, 2011


I Used to be Fat.
I was just watching this show, and I'm sitting here in tears.

I'm super uncomfortable with my weight. Super.

But starting next Monday, January 10th, I will conquer this and lose 90lbs by summer, and not by starving myself. By working out 2x a day, and eating right.

I got a new blog today, to signify a new me, and 3 moths from January 10th, aka April 10th, I will be a new person. I WILL. I CAN. I CAN CONQUER THIS.

I want to be able to say, I used to be fat.

Just want to be completely happy with myself in 2011, and I can be. I'm going back to school, and going to change how I look because I HAVE THE DISCIPLINE TO DO THIS and prove my parents and family wrong that I can do this.

Fuck the past, and being fat, I'm done.

Old Kassie is out.

I'll post my results here every few weeks, because I need accountability, and I need to do this for me.

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