My friends always tell me no need to be insecure, find yourself in Christ, and everything will fall into place. But, let's be serious, when you hear that you're like, "yeah, okay." Sigh. I know I'm absolutely perfect to God, and I'm made in His image but the world sucks. The pressure that women constantly feel is so unnecessary. Except, it affects us so much. When you go to Wal-Mart there's a whole aisle dedicated to weigh loss supplements, and dietary foods etc. While, there's absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to be a certain size, obsessing over it is not the way to go. I don't want someone to like me for superficial reasons, because that's not going to last. I want you to like me because I'm me and I have a heart who longs to love someone, as scary as it is.
But who are we? We are in the world not of the world. We are of Christ. But do we actually understand what that means? We were formed in His image, and that means we are beautiful. It's a hard thing to grasp but it's so freeing. To know, that there's nothing to be insecure about, nothing to hide because the only one that we need, loves us so unconditionally it's crazy.
Being insecure is an obstacle, but lately I've been spending time with the one who loves me the most, Jesus, and it's really helping me. It's just amazing to see how in the bible he spells out how much he loves us and how we are his. It's refreshing, really. It's something I'm constantly working on because I do not want to be insecure. I know I'm the daughter of the most high King, and he loves me unconditionally. And that is enough!
Forgiven beloved, hidden in Christ, made in the image of the Giver of Life, righteous and holy, reborn and remade, accepted and worthy this is our new name. This is who we are now.
Something I'm working on, and through Christ all things are possible! :)
Be blessed,
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