Sunday, January 30, 2011

Dreammmm On

So lately I've had some really wack dreams.

So this one dream I had, one of my good friends Valorie, check her out here, took my MacBook right before my wedding to marry this guy I met on twitter, and smashed the screen, then pretended nothing happened and still was one of my bridesmaids... what? Yes, I know.

Another, I had a dream I woke up not in my bed, and that I was halfway around the world in Germany with my mom.

And then, the worst one I was pregnant and all my friends and family disowned me except one person, who will be nameless, and he wasn't even the father.

What? I KNOW!

What's your craziest dream?

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Worst Thing

The absolute worst thing anyone could do to me is lie to my face.

You could wipe my bank account, take my car, do whatever, and none of that is as bad as lying to me. I got lied to by a good friend this weekend, and we talked it out, but it just reminded me of how big of a deal lying is. I don't like it at all. I consider myself a loyal friend to the few friends I have and lying to me just really hurts me.

This weekend was fun. Went and saw Roger Creager on Friday with Becky and her friends, it was epic. Oh man, so fun.

I saw County Strong for the 3rd time, I'm slightly obsessed with this movie.

I am not feeling too hot, but I'll be okay..

Finally am registered and paid for classes! :) :) :) It feels good to be back in school.

How are you?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

This is who I am...

I am a new creation,
the old is passed away
and I’m made new
I’m made new.

And I have been adopted,
the door is opened up
for me to know you
be like you

This is who I am
I’ve been born again
the Cross is my defense, my hope secured
now my life is in Your Hand
on Your every word I stand
Lord I’m finding who I am in all you are

When my heart condemns me
tells me I am guilty
Your greater
Your greater

Jesus you have searched me,
and even in your finding
You have loved
and You love me

This is who I am
I’ve been born again
the Cross is my defense, my hope secured
now my life is in Your Hand
on Your every word I stand
Lord I’m finding who I am in all you are

For He mad Him who knew no sin
To be sent
On our behalf was crucified
Oh that we could be the righteousness
Of our creator

I am a new creation,
the old is passed away
and I’m made new
I’m made new.

This is who I am
I’ve been born again
the Cross is my defense, my hope secured
now my life is in Your Hand
on Your every word I stand
Lord I’m finding who I am in all you are

This is who I am
I’ve been born again
the Cross is my defense, my hope secured
now my life is in Your Hand
on Your every word I stand
Lord I’m finding who I am in all you are

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I'm tired

It's like when things get good in my life I think, they just end up crashing right in front of me.

I am such a positive person, and so happy 90% of the time, I just for once would like that happiness to be completely honestly truth. I just want to be completely comfortable in my own skin. Is that so hard to ask?

It's like all my friends are fucking gorgeous, and when I like a guy they steal them away or something happens and I just don't feel good enough. UGH. I've been working out and working on myself, like what else is there to do?

I just don't know. I was so happy last week. I just want to be happy 24/7 for longer than a week. that's all.


I'm going to bed.

Be blessed this weekend.

I'm going to follow this quote, and remember for it every time I get depressed/upset.

People are unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered.
Love them anyway. If you do good, people may accuse
you of selfish motives. Do good anyway. If you are
successful, you may win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway. The good you do today may be
forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Honesty and
transparency make you vulnerable. Be honest and
transparent anyway. What you spend years building
may be destroyed overnight. Build anyway. People
who really want help may attack you if you help them.
Help them anyway. Give the world the best you have
and you may get hurt. Give the world your best anyway.
+ + Mother Teresa



I've been working out the last two weeks! Yesterday I did 4.5 miles on the elliptical and treadmill. I have been feeling so much better after working out so much. People say I look better and I feel like it's just all around helping my life. It feels so good! I love it.

I'm joining the gym tomorrow, and I'm so pumped. My friend who just moved back into town joined the gym too so we are going to go together. That's why I was able to do so much yesterday.

I'm going to start working on running faster. I did a mile this morning, and ran off and on and it was good. I pushed myself.

I'm so proud of myself. :)

How are you doing?

Be blessed this week!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Just a few quotes..

Happy Friday lovelies.
Some quotes to ponder for the weekend..

I feel more comfortable talking to strangers than people I know.
I believe this is because chances are, I’ll never see them ever again.
And I feel like I can say anything I want. They don't know my past or
what I’ve done. They can only judge me on who they are seeing
right that second. I’m the person I am now, not then. People
I know don't see the difference.

I'm the type of girl who will fall for a guy she barely knows; who
will listen to a love song and see his face; who will look for him
wherever she goes. I'm the type of girl who doesn't get over
things easily; who will beat herself up when someone doesn't
love her back; who will cry herself to sleep because she feels
she's not good enough. But I'm also the type of girl who's strong; who
can cry her eyes out and then forbid them to come back the next
morning; who will blast some old pop song and sing it at the top
of her lungs because she feels like it; who will be no one but herself.


Thursday, January 13, 2011

So a little progress

I've worked out 3 of the last 4 days. I took a day off because my knee was killing me as was my back. I've lost 2 lbs, I believe. :)

I feel so much better about myself when I work out because I know I'm working on myself. SO AWESOME!

On a different note, do you ever feel like you have no idea how you go to this point in your life? A point where you're finally happy? Happy with the people that surround you and the people who are in your life? It's such a good feeling, but for me it kind of happened all of the sudden.

I worked things out with one of my best friends over the break, and since then there's been no turning back. I'm working on my life and if you want to be apart of it, great, if not, great too. I wish you the best.

It's so awesome to feel happy with yourself and where you are. When I look in the mirror I can say, "I'm living my life the best way possible, and I love myself and my life."

So incredibly happy with everything. Going back to school this semester! :) I need to register, dangit.

Bring on 2011, I'm ready!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Country Strong

I saw this movie twice this past weekend.


The songs in the movie are so moving, and the plot line is decent. I love Gwyenth Paltrow so much! Tim McGraw's character is interesting, I couldn't figure him out totally but good.

Leighton in it, so so so talented. I love her song "Summer Girls." Also, Garrett Hedlund is gorgeous and super talented.

I can't wait to download the album of iTunes when I get my precious MacBook back. It got shipped off because it was sick :(

How are you friends?


Monday, January 3, 2011

Addressing My Friends Concerns!

Okay guys.

1. Losing 90lbs in 6 monthsish isn't undoable.
2. You lose a lot of weight at first
3. The first 50 lbs will be super easy, the rest will be the hardest.
4. It's more about me changing my lifestyle and having weight loss goals with it.
5. I will be smart, and careful.
6. I won't kill myself.
7. If you see me eating bad, or drinking a soda slap me, seriously.
8. Don't worry about me please, I know my limits.
9. Even if I don't lose 90lbs, and lose less, but change my lifestyle I'll be thrilled. :)

I love you all for caring though. :)


Sunday, January 2, 2011


I Used to be Fat.
I was just watching this show, and I'm sitting here in tears.

I'm super uncomfortable with my weight. Super.

But starting next Monday, January 10th, I will conquer this and lose 90lbs by summer, and not by starving myself. By working out 2x a day, and eating right.

I got a new blog today, to signify a new me, and 3 moths from January 10th, aka April 10th, I will be a new person. I WILL. I CAN. I CAN CONQUER THIS.

I want to be able to say, I used to be fat.

Just want to be completely happy with myself in 2011, and I can be. I'm going back to school, and going to change how I look because I HAVE THE DISCIPLINE TO DO THIS and prove my parents and family wrong that I can do this.

Fuck the past, and being fat, I'm done.

Old Kassie is out.

I'll post my results here every few weeks, because I need accountability, and I need to do this for me.