I remember the day as if it happened 5 minutes ago. I will never forget that day because it drastically changed who I was. It reminded me of how precious life is, and every year around this time I'm filled with so much emotion.
I was so blessed to have known Ed King and his family. His little brother and my sister were/are really good friends. Although they moved to Maryland, we still stay in touch.
I'm sitting here in tears but laughing because I was looking at Ed's MySpace and his occupation when he had it, "LIVIN OFF MY FOLKS." I can't stop laughing, because that's something he would say. I remember his funeral, it wasn't depressing or anything like that, it was truly a celebration of his life. We laughed, we cried, and we remembered Ed, a guy who changed our lives. He was always so cheery, and happy. I remember when he would come into the training room and we would call him "Special Ed" and he'd be like nahhhh. Haha.
I'm so thankful for memories like this. I'm SO grateful to have been impacted by Ed and his wonderful family.
As we approach the 6th anniversary of the Lord calling him home, I am praying for his family. As well as the Naders since that day drastically changed their life too.
God is faithful and good, and I am overwhelmed and thankful.
With a full heart,