I was merely in 6th grade, and I remember specifically that the principal came over the speaker and told the teachers to turn off the news. As soon as I got home, our family is glued to the TV and news. Seeing the images of the plane crashing into the second tower is forever burned in my memory.
I am fascinated by 09/11, just from the reactions, and the news. Our nation really changed that day. We now have to get to the airport 2 hours before we take off, and we now can't have this and that. Think about how much this day effected our day to day.
Do I feel safe? I think so, but then I start thinking about how close I live to the shore, and the refineries, and that's scary. The people that hate the US, will attack again I believe, but what can you do?
This morning in church we sang Because He Lives, and it's so fitting. Because He Lives I don't have to live in fear. I'm confident that the Lord has a plan and is watching over this great country.
I came across a very touching tribute that keeps up with a girl from a year after the attacks until now...
I can't wait to fly away and meet some of our American Heroes from that day.
Be blessed, and may we never forget 09.11.2001.
Peace and grace,