Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Last night I saw an aswer to prayers.
Let's back up to summer 2009. I introduced my best friend to one of my friends, and they hit it off. I was excited because both loved the Lord and were amazing. Well fast foward to the end of the summer, he kind of just got scared and told her he needed space. It is not october and they have barely spoken. And he had been avoiding me at all costs. Well we were on facebook yesterday and began having a conversation that I had prayed would happen. I asked him if he was dating this girl that I always see him with and he said yes and no and explained that it would be official this weekend. I got hurt because he never really tied up lose ends with me and my best friend. The situation was handled very immaturly by him, we think. Anyways, the news kind of hurt me for my best friends sake because she still likes him. Anyways, we started talking and I told him that it hurt me that we really haven't been friends since school started. I've done my part and tried and stuff but he just didn't have an interest and I was hurt. So last night I just tell him straight up how I feel. And I told him it would've been nice for you to tell us yourself about your plans to date this girl and he was like why do I need y'alls permission. I told him it wasn't that, it was the fact the situation from the summer wasn't cleared up. He was like I honestly thought it was. I told him if you were still avoiding me, it obviously wasn't cleared up. He agreed. We came to the decision to meet up and just talk next week because I want to be his friend, the girl he's going to date is in Phi Lamb with me so I will be seeing him at social events etc. I just don't like being at odds with someone I once cared about and have so many memories with. Caitlin agreed that we did need to talk. She's so great, and I'm so glad that since she's moved our friendship is still strong. But I had been praying for me and Michael to resolve our issues and it finally started last night, and it was something that I was so excited for. God is so good and faithful. :) So continue praying for me, Michael and Caitlin's situation because I know I would like to be friends with him again and be able to have someone I can count on.
Y'all are the best!!
On another note, I love that at Breakaway we are going through the book of James. It's such a good book and I'm learning a lot. Ben Stuart is amaziiing.
I can't believe October is like here, this semester is flying by!!
I have only 2 more months of being a teenager! WHOOP! :)
I love you guys!
“And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ,”-Philippians 1:9-10
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
The greatness of our God!
As some of you know, I applied to be a small group leader, which means I would meet with pledges after their pledge meeting and just hang out, pour into them, and encourage them. Basically shower them with the love of Christ. :) I got small group leader, and I can't tell you how excited I was to read the email letting me know I was a small group leader. Encouragement, I feel, is my spiritual gift, and I can put it to good use. I was so excited.
So yesterday we had our small group leaders meeting at the coordinators house, and hung out and received our pledge survey packet of the girls who would be in our group. I got super excited because I had 6 diverse girls, and that to me is just amazing. So the afternoon rolls by...I leave my phone somewhere in the house, and go to pick it up and I had a missed call and voicemail from Megan, our small groups coordinator. I was kind of nervous because I had no idea what she was going to say. As she started talking on the voicemail she was telling me how she forgot a girl, and therefore this girl had no heart sank because my first thought was "Oh no, she's taking this away from me, I'm not going to be a leader." But that wasn't the case. I could hear her stress level in her voicemail because she just felt so bad for leaving out this other girl. She began to tell me that the girl she left out was going to be a leader with me so we would share the duties of small group leader. I wasn't too excited, because I was looking forward to doing this alone, etc. Well then she tells me who my partner will be, Catie Colvin. Let's back up a little bit. Catie and I, remet, during rush week and we're just alike. I love her to death. We've been developing a great friendship and she's just a great girl. So through all this God was in it. It was on purpose Megan had forgotten Catie because God wanted us to build a stronger friendship by loving on other girls. I could've been really upset, but I looked at the situation and realized God's hand is so mighty and his ways are so perfect. I called Megan back last night and told her this and she sounded relieved because Phi Lamb is so large we don't all personally know each other, and for me and Catie to know each other and have a friendship I think Megan was relieved. God worked this all out in the end. I'm so excited about this semester and what God is going to do in me and Catie's friendship and what he's going to do with us for the 6 girls in our group.
This story just attests to how great the God we serve is. I'm learning to trust in Him and lean on Him, not myself. It's hard sometimes, but then he gives me situations like this one and I'm reminded again of his Sovereignty.
"The Lord is faithful to all his promises, and loving toward all he has made. The Lord upholds all those who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down."-Psalm 145:13-14
I am Second and God is definitely first. -Bailee Madison, in her I am Second video. (She's 9 btw)
I serve an amazing, faithful, and loving God!
love you,
Kassie :)
Sunday, September 20, 2009
I never Blog..
Today, at work at a Starbucks, I had just made two coffees, one for Jacob and one for John. Even though it's policy to call out which ever one was ordered first, I switched them and called out, "John, Jacob". To my excitement, another customer finished with "Jingleheimer-Scmidt". MLIA
No matter how much I love MLIA, I sometimes have trouble believing the stories because they are all about Harry Potter or light sabers. This morning, though, I walked up to my school at 6:45 AM to see a huge circle of students around two boys who were having a light saber duel. I take it back MLIA, you are legit. MLIA.
peace, and love.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
You alone Can Rescue
Wow. Let's see. Chapter one of James is about trials that are envitable. During a trial, or opression options will be presented. Some good, some bad. We hold the key to what we do. One example Ben used was roommate drama. Maybe you don't like the way your roommate comes in loud, or doesn't talk to you on campus when they see you. Or maybe they are just plain dumb. Well when this happens many options are presented you can, rolll your eyes, punch them, cuss at them, talk behind their back, or many more options. You catch the drift. Maybe you've had a hard week and one option to unwind is alcohol.
That's where God got me.
This is my option and the option is usually go towards. It's definitely not the best choice, but something I did rely heavily on. Alcohol is such a huge temptation in my life. Of course some of us chose to blame God. But it is clear in verse 13 that we shouldn't say God is tempting me because that is just not true. God will test us, but not tempt us. BIG DIFFERENCE. Temptations comes from ourselves, according to verse 14. The choice is within us whether we give in to the temptation or not. Desires are what causes sin and pain into life. For example, the South Carolina Governor didn't think of what his wife's face would be after he got caught having an affair. His evil desires caused pain into his wife and children's life.
Before we engage in the activitiy, think about where it will lead. Look up and see the big picture. Every GOOD thing is from above, that's clear in verse 17. Verse 18 points to how good God is. He brought us into being, how great is that.
This sermon last night really hit me hard. Trial come and temptation comes but if I am so lost in God I will be able to withstand these trials and chose the right option. Now, I'm not gonna all of the sudden be cured from my thoughts of needing alcohol, but I am slowly getting over it. Everytime I start thinking negatively, or not in a good way I start praying. I feel like I am in constant pursuel of Christ and it's a great feeling.
Did I mention, I'm a small group leader for Phi Lamb? I'm SO SO SO SO EXCITED! I'm excited to pour into girls who love the Lord. I'm excited for how God's going to use me.
God is doing great things in my life and I'm so excited. I love being lost in him. It's so great!
I love you guys!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
God is faithful!
Monday, September 14, 2009
3. whole. years.
Life After Death
Silence. Shock. Disbelief. Tears. Maroon and white. Then abruptly, red and blue flashing lights. Sirens. Those were the sights and sounds of September 15, 2006, at Tigerland Stadium. I became an entirely different person on that unforgettable night.
The biggest game in Texas high school football was being played between the A&M Consolidated High School Tigers and the Austin Westlake Chaparrals on September 15th. Both teams were state-ranked in the top ten, and both were considered football powerhouses in the state. The first quarter went extremely well; we scored first. Then Westlake scored, which made it 7-7 at the end of the first quarter. Regrettably, fourteen points are all that would ever be scored in that match-up. The clock stopped with 10 minutes and 25 seconds left in the second quarter. Matt Nader, an offensive lineman from Westlake, ran off the field after a play and collapsed. I stood in awe, and the stands fell silent when after a few minutes, Matt did not get up. By this time both teams were on the field huddling with each other, praying for Matt’s health. No one knew what was happening. As an athletic trainer, I wanted to know what was going on as well and what they were doing to him. I could not find out because all the medical staff was on their sideline. Word got around that an Automated External Defibrillator saved his life. Once the paramedics got Matt’s heart beating again, he was taken to a local hospital where parents from both schools went to offer their prayers. Once the ambulance left, superintendents and head coaches from both schools met at midfield and decided to cancel the game. I thought to myself, “Ok, that is nice of them; I get to go home early.” Unfortunately, that was not the case; in fact the worst was yet to come.
One of my friends in the stands motioned for me to go toward her. Of course I went, figuring she was asking me about Matt’s condition. The conversation that followed is still vivid in my mind:
“Kassie, did you hear about Ed?”
“No, what about him?”
“He died earlier today in a car wreck on Highway 6.”
“I’ve had enough bad news today; stop joking.” I said with dismay.
“No really, he died; it’s been going around the stands.” She assured me it was true.
I fell silent as Jackie asked me if I was going to be okay. I stood in front of her with consternation. I did not want to believe that my neighbor, my good friend, and one of the guys I helped out during football season was dead. Looking over to the field house, I saw the boys in a huddle and our head coach, Coach Slaughter, talking to them, giving them the terrible news. Heading toward the field house, I saw my best friend’s mom. I questioned the news and asked her why this would happen. She consoled me and reassured me that everything happens for a reason. I was astonished because I never thought something like this, losing a beloved friend and student, would happen to me or to our community. A precious life was taken from a loving family, a loving team, and loving friends. Everyone that knew Ed adored him and loved him. He was a hard-worker and dedicated to everything he did. Ed was the type of guy who befriended everyone. Ed showed new students around school for the counselor’s office. Ed welcomed them into Consol with his friendly smile and laid-back attitude. Hard-working is often used to describe Ed, because that is exactly what he was. Everything Ed did, he did with a smile and his whole heart. Ed was just an overall great guy.
When I found my mom, I started hugging her and told her that I could not believe this was happening. I said I had to go see Mr. and Mrs. King, to offer my condolences. After I hugged my best friend, her mom, and some of the football players, I went with my family to the King’s home. I gave Mr. King a huge hug, and I saw the face of a strong man. He did not shed a tear, but instead he acted as Mrs. King’s rock and foundation. After giving him a hug, I went to Mrs. King’s room. She was distraught and disoriented. She knew who I was, but I could tell she still did not believe that her son had died. The house filled up with people coming over to give their condolences, and I was touched by the fact that so many people went to see Ed’s family.
This outpouring of love to the Kings made me realize how precious life is and that many people take it for granted. No longer did I want to take my life for granted, but Ed’s death taught me to live it to the fullest. The moment I found out Ed died, a feeling rushed over me of how precious life is. I wanted to take my time on Earth as a gift and understand that tomorrow is not promised. Ed’s death showed me how I need to live out my life. The events of September 15, 2006, changed who I was and made me who I am today.
See you soon Ed12/22/1987-09/15/2006May the King rest in Peace.#64 Forever in our Hearts!LOVE YOU SO MUCH KINGS!!!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
I recently read a quote from Joni Eareckson in my Bible study that said:If I could, I would take this wheelchair to heaven with me. Standing next to my Savior, Jesus Christ, I would say, “Lord, do you see this wheelchair? Well, before you send it to hell, I want to tell you something about it. You were right when you said that in this world we would have trouble. There’s a lot of trouble being a quadriplegic. But you know what? The weaker I was in that thing, the harder I leaned on you, and the harder I leaned on you, the stronger I discovered you to be. Thank you for the bruising blessing it was, this severe mercy. Thank you.”
WOW!!! What if we all began to view our suffering, be it physical, emotional, relational…as a Bruising Blessing, a Severe Mercy - our scars, wheelchairs, bald heads…all reminding us of God’s sovereignty?!?! Yes, when we live our lives in complete submission to our creator we can look at each and every scar as a Sovereign, Sanctifying Scar. A scar that, because of God’s complete sovereignty and his ability and desire to rid us of our sin, helps to lead us into the enjoyment of having a right relationship with God. There in lies the true blessing of being bruised. Each blessing is found amidst the deep, indescribable relationship that develops between you and God as you trust in him. Lean on him and he will turn your “Valley of Baca” into a place of springs!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Just another Manic Monday...
Well lucky for us Aggies, we DIDN'T have labor day off. I mean we didn't even start school until after like everyone else, so it's really not a big deal.
Today has been all over the place. I've been on this emotional rollercoaster. I don't know.
I feel like I have no reason to be in a bad mood, but I'm definitely not in a good mood.
Back to reading I go...
Love you!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Um yeah.
and even though I cry like crazy, even though it hurts so bad, I'm thankful for the time God gave me, even though we couldn't make it last, I'm learning how to live without you, even though I don't want to and even with you gone: Love lives on.
You always amaze me
Let your kingdom come
In my world and in my life
You give me the food I need
To live through the day
And forgive me as I forgive
The people that wronged me
Lead me far from temptation
Deliver me from the evil one
I look out the window
The birds are composing
Not a note is out of tune
Or out of place
I look at the meadow
And stare at the flowers
Better dressed than any girl
On her wedding day
So why do I worry?
Why do I freak out?
God knows what I need
You know what I need
Your love is
Your love is
Your love is strong
The kingdom of the heavens
Is now advancing
Invade my heart
Invade this broken town
The kingdom of the heavens
Is buried treasure
Will you sell yourself
To buy the one you've found?
Two things you told me
That you are strong
And you love me
Yes, you love me
Your love is
Your love is strong
Our God in heaven
Hallowed be
Thy name above all names
Your kingdom come
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven
Give us today our daily bread
Forgive us wicked sinners
Lead us far away from our vices
And deliver us from these prisons
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
One week down, 12 more to go?
I feel like I'm dying but I know I can do this and have a great semester. I'm just trusting in the Lord.
We had our active retreat last night for Phi Lamb and it was good. I'm exicted about this semester. God is so good!
Football game tomorrow with Brittany!! I'm so excited Aggie Football is here!!! :D :D
I don't feel good at all right now though. I feel like a truck hit me...I'm sneezing/sniffling etc. I just wanna curl up into a ball and go away.'s friday, and I'm not working all day. WHOOP.
The song I'm posting is amazing and I've been listening to it a lot!
Your Love is Strong
Jon Foreman
The kingdom of the heavens is now advancing
Invade my heart, invade this broken town
The kingdom of the Heavens is buried treasure
Would you sell yourself to buy the one you've found?
Two things you told me
That you are strong
And you love me
Yes, you love me
Your love is
Your love is
Your love is strong
Your love is
Your love is
Your love is strong
Your love is
Your love is
Your love is strong
Your love is
Your love is
Your love is strong
Wednesday, September 2, 2009